Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's NOT About Me!

Hey everyone, I know I haven't posted anything in a while.

But oh man, God has been doing some awesome things in my life!!
Not the point of this post though. I wanna share a little something with you all.

For the last couple days, I've been reading this book called Radical by David Platt. THIS BOOK IS INCREDIBLE!! It's been one of those books that is like the Bible kinda: you read a bit and you have to really soak in what you just read.
There is a section in here I wanna share with you all that really stuck out to me. Read this:

If you were to ask the average Christian sitting in a worship service on Sunday morning to summarize the message of Christianity, you would most likely hear something along the lines of "The message of Christianity is that God loves me enough to send his Son, Jesus, to die for me."

As wonderful as the sendiment sounds, is it biblical? Isn't it incomplete, based on what we have seen in the Bible? "God loves me" is not the essence of biblical Christianity. Because if "God loves me" is the message of Christianity, then who is the object of Christianity?

God loves me.


Christianity's object is me.

Therefore, when I look at a church, I look for the music that best fits me and the programs that best cater to me and my family. When I make plans for my life and career, it is about what works for me and my family.When I consider the house I will live in, the car I will drive, the clothes I will wear, the way I will live, I will choose according to what is best for me. This is the version of Christianity that largely prevails in our culture.

But it is not biblical Christianity.

The message of biblical Christianity is not "God loves me period," as if we were the objects of our own faith.The message of biblical Christianity is "God loves me so that I might make him - his ways, his salvation, his glory, and his greatness - known among all nations." Now God is the object of our faith, and Christianity centers around him. We are not the end of the gospel; God is.

OK, If I could just write down the whole entire book for you, ugh, that'd be awesome because it is such an amazing book. But... you'll just have to read it for yourselves.

I thought I would share this with you all because lately I have been dealing with an evil demon called Selfishness. We usually encounter this thing quite often in our lives.

What Platt is trying to say is so true, and what I love is that he is not beating around the bush on this subject at all; we are literally selfish about a lot of things, including how we want our "perfect" Sunday service. We want the right music, we want the sermons to be what we wanna hear. Even in our daily lives we do this. We're make decisions based on what we want. What about what God wants? I know I don't think of these things when I'm making some life decisions. Sure, it may seem all cool and well, but is it what God wants me to do? Is it glorifying God in any way? Probably not.

Sounds a little selfish in my opinion.

But anyways, I just wanted to share what was on my mind. I wanna know what you think about this. Leave a commentary on my comments! =)


Note: Exerpt from Radical, Platt, David, Multnomah Books, 2010, pages 70-71

Friday, August 12, 2011

New Life Northwest 2011

"But what was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of know Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith."
Philippians 3:7-9

During this week, I got to go to a camp called New Life Northwest in Washougal, WA with the amazing youth group I attend. 


What's so amazing about this week was that I experienced something completely different in my relationship with Christ; something I have never been able to feel before and was waiting on experiencing it for the first time. 

I felt God's love for the first time.

Now, some of you reading this may be a little bit confused, so let me explain some things. 
Before I came to New Life, I had doubts on whether Jesus Christ really did love me. With the past events that happened in my life and some stress about the future running through my head, I was doubting God's grace and love for a little while. I would say that I love Jesus, but I said it and never really meant it. 
For some who know who Bob Witte is, I have to say that this awesome guy played a HUGE impact on my transformation. I never heard him speak at a rally or a camp before, so I was really excited, and I soaked up what he had to say. 
You know how God uses other people to get a point across? God used Bob Witte. If you ever get a chance to hear Bob Witte speak, you are in for a treat. ;)
Not only did Bob Witte inspire me, but everyone there inspired me as well. The youth, the adults, everyone! I have thought I would get so close to most of the people, and get to know their stories and know them as people. I watch them get baptized this week. And I may end up seeing more of those people get baptized as well later in the future. 

I was also challenged this week. There was the emotional part every night of surrendering and letting go of all of my "baggage" in order to fully let Christ into my heart. And there was a physical struggle after I was re-baptized. 
Yes, I was re-baptized on Thursday, August 11, 2011 at a beautiful waterfall near Washougal. The only problem was the water being so cold I went into an anxiety attack. BUT... I have no regrets; I don't feel it was a "mess-up" baptism. I'm so glad I did it, and I'm glad I remember the actual baptism part. I overcame and I'm getting well after what happened. And I had the help of God, and some amazing Christians to help me back to camp. I don't know exactly who all was there to help me, but THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! 

I am so inspired. I had a lot on my mind before I went to New Life, and I did come home with a new life. 

I put down the passage in Philippians because hours before I got baptized, I read it, and I wrote in my journal about it, and I would like to share it with you all. 

"Everything that I thought was more important doesn't even matter. It never mattered. What I was considering was more important than Jesus is actually utter nonsense. What I was doing instead of worshiping and praising the Lord is not going to help my relationship with God. 
This is my surrender to Christ Jesus. I surrender all of my worldly ways to be with Christ. I am not perfect, and I will fail Him sometimes, but He loves me and I love Him. This love is in no way perfect, but that doesn't mean that we can't have and experience it. Jesus is giving us that love and grace when we do not deserve it."

I will probably share more of my experiences as I continue to post more on my blog, but I wanted to share it with you. I wanted to share my life-changing experience. I wanted to share what was happening to me, and what God is doing in my life. And you don't even need to go to a camp to experience that. 

Philippians 3:7-9 is my surrender to Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. What about you?

SammyJane <3


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Taking Advantage of Being Home

This week, I have been taking advantage of staying home before I go to camp on Sunday. I left one day to go to youth group (I needed more info on the camp), and then it was straight home again. But I will say that staying at home isn't so bad right now. I like to consider this a "fast" from traveling to many places; I will admit, I'm saving a lot of money this week.

So, I've been knitting like crazy! Trying to get some projects done before my Spokane's Got Talent audition, and before school starts. I won't have any time to do any knitting during camp, so I gotta get as much done before I leave on Sunday. And I have been kicking butt at getting them done.

Oh boy, Spokane's Got Talent is around the corner again. And no idea on what song to even play!!! Yeah, I have been stressing out on it, and I've been also trying to come up with an idea when I'm not knitting, and still nothing. It's kinda driving me up the wall and I don't wanna put it off until last minute. This is my last year auditioning before I go off to college next summer. It would be awesome to get into the top 16 this year, but only God will decide that. And even if I don't get into the top 16, I'll still have other opportunities to play my music.

Blogger Mobile: WHO HAS ANY IDEA ON HOW TO EVEN ACTIVATE IT???????? I have been trying for months to get it to work through text/mms messaging and it's not working for me at all!

I just found out today that I only have 3 weeks until school starts. And, well, I'm not too excited about it. Yeah, I'm gonna be a SENIOR this year, but I'm just ready to graduate. People have told me that senior year is gonna be your best year, but who knows. I wish I was as excited as most people to be a senior, but in all reality for me, I wanna go to college. But, I do only have 180 school days left. I guess that's pretty exciting in a way.

It just seems weird that I only have this school year and then this next summer, I'm getting ready to leave for college, in possibly San Diego! It's a pretty scary thought, but I'm excited! I'm really excited to start college and work my way towards being a music/youth minister! It seems so far away but it's really not!

Yeah, there's quite a bit going on in my life. More than what I thought.

SammyJane <3

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dear God, Thank You!

Last week I received a letter from my friend Thomas. 
Some of you know that Thomas was my boyfriend of 4 months until we broke up, but we are still really good friends. He left to go to basic training for the Marine Corps in June. 

So I got a letter from him this last week, and I was super excited because I was really getting impatient of waiting. Yes, it's not good to be impatient but the waiting was definitely worth it because I received AMAZING news from him. 
He wrote to me that he has found Jesus Christ. 

For months, I have been praying for him that someday he would find Jesus in his heart and my prayers were answered by this letter. I was literally in shock by this awesome news, and it just shows that God will answer prayers when it is the best time. I can't wait for him to come home really soon so I can see this man of God he has become. 

I just had to share this with you all. Hope that it brightens up your day, because it brightens mine everyday. =)

SammyJane <3

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's Starting To Click To Me...

That knitting can be very EXPENSIVE!!!!!

OK, some of you are probably laughing at that right now, so go ahead and laugh your butt off. =P

But it's true, it's really true!

I was on Ravelry (might be possibly addicted to that site) and I was going through some future project I would like to make. I found a couple hats, a few tops, some cardigans, and even a cute purse. I even found a blanket I would like to make for college. It was originally made to be a baby blanket but adding more squares isn't going to hurt it =) But as much as the patterns and the finished projects are cute and full of awesomeness... I'm beginning to realize just how much yarn really costs!

When I began knitting, and even crocheting, I started on the cheap acrylic yarn you can get from really ANYWHERE, and yes, I tend to use it sometimes for a small little project or even to practice a new technique. But the amount of money a person has to spend on supplies and the yarn and everything they need,  it's pretty scary! Especially for someone like me who is still in school and doesn't have a job yet! So when I'm looking at the patterns, figuring out what yarn I need, then researching the prices, I will say this... AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, buying the more expensive yarn for the projects tend to be worth the money. =) If it means that the pattern needs X yarn and it's too expensive, hey, isn't that an incentive to save some money for the yarn and save the pattern for later?

Yes, this is something I am starting to realize because as I look through these patterns on Ravelry, I'm noticing that some of these things, like yarn, is a bit expensive. So I have to learn patience, and start saving some money. =P Either that, or learn that substitution isn't always a bad thing either. Just depends on the project ;)

How do you look for yarn that you can get at great deals? Do you look online, or search craft and yarn stores? I'd love to hear from you all on this. =)

SammyJane <3

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My sister turned 16 on Sunday.. OMG!!!
I'm on Ravelry if any of you knitters or crocheters want to add me. Click Here.
I don't really know what to talk about today.. Not a lot has been going on. So.......

How are you? =)

SammyJane <3

Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Friday!

Wow! I can actually type on my phone! So cool!!!
I ended up getting a new phone about 2 weeks ago and I absolutely love it! I get wifi on it so I don't need no stupid data plan! TAKE THAT VERIZON!!!

So I'm pretty sure I have a knitting obsession. I have been knitting like absolute crazy, not complaining though. :-P
I have been checking out library books on knitting to get some patterns and ideas, and while I was checking out books, I came across a book called DomiKnitrix. The name didn't really flatter me but I checked it out anyways. I have been using this book for learning new techniques and coming up with some future projects to work on. I also like this book because it has patterns for teenagers like me to knit because some patterns I have been looking at just weren't my style (I figured I would change some small parts to make it my style). But this book is awesome for styles I know I would wear.
Right now I'm working on a hoodie from the book and the pattern is so much fun. I'm hoping to finish it within the next couple weeks if I keep working on it as fast as I am now.

I gotta get some pics up of some of the knitting projects I've finished.

I went through my jewelry that I made and realized that I need to sell some of it. Not sure what and how I'm gonne do that yet.

God is really blessing me with an awesome summer so far. I got to hang out with some of my friends; making a campfire at my house and playing guitars and singing worship music. My sister and I have been doing that quite a bit lately with some of our friends from youth group and it's been a blast.

Spokane's Got Talent auditions are coming up in August too. I still have no idea what I'm doing yet either. :-P

Well I better get busy. At least I updated. :-)

SammyJane <3

Saturday, June 18, 2011

SUMMER IS HERE (again...)

School has been out for over a week for me. 
I gotta admit, it's been pretty boring. 
Only a little. 
I've been knitting like absolute crazy. 
I'm working on a project for my cousin's baby. 
It's so cute, and he is adorable!! =D
I will post pictures when I get it finished. 

I've been working on this Bible study lately. 
And I only have 6 more lessons until I get my certificate of completion. 
Then I can move onto another one. 
God is Good. 
All the time. <3
I also got my college application filled out. 
San Diego Christian College!!! 

How are you today? I love getting emails from everyone. =)


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

1 Corinthians 10:13 says:

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." 

Definitely helps me with most of my problems. 
A friend introduced this verse to me when I was starting out as a Christian and going through my depression. Ever since, I had it memorized and it sticks in my head. 

I always come across this verse somewhere when I face a challenge or obstacle, and I begin to struggle with my faith. This verse lifts me up and gives me hope, which is why it has become one of my all time favorite verses in the Bible. I know that no matter what I'm going through, God will not leave us behind, but He's going to reach out to us and help us overcome it. 

I hope and pray that what ever you are going through, you think of this verse and remember that you have a loving and caring God who will be there for you. 


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's Been Awhile

I don't really know where to begin.
I've just been so busy. 
I'm sorry I haven't written anything in over a month. 
I like to knit now. 
Apparently I'm really good at it too.
I love Thomas. 
I'm gonna be sad when he leaves for boot came. 
But it'll all be ok. =)
How is everyone?
Hope God has touch your heart somehow. 
Love you all. 
God Bless =)


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Prom Night 3-19-11

March 19, 2011
I have to admit that it was an amazing night. =)
I didn't think that this prom was going to be this huge, and I ended up meeting some awesome people as well. Definitely a night I won't forget. 

Thomas and I before we left for prom. <3 <3

Thomas and I at prom. 

Me, Brandon, and Sierra at prom (We decided to bowl for a bit). 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm Completely Overwhelmed...

I know I just got done posting another entry today, but I feel that I need to share some things with you all. 

First of all, if you did not read last night's entry, Click Here.

This post was, indeed, the hardest, and most personal entry I have ever posted. I cried typing it up, and I shook when I click on the "Publish" button because I completely revealed who I really am. 

So I gotta admit, the responses I got were INCREDIBLE!!!!

I didn't think I was gonna get that many responses from this, but I got comments on my Facebook, personal messages, emails.. I am overwhelmed by how much it has impacted people already. I never knew that being real and speaking out would be this rewarding. 

Basically, all that I gotta say is: Thank you all, and Thank You God!! =D

Trust In God

I was reading in my bible course booklet today and came across a part that told me to read in Genesis chapters 37-43.

The story was about Joseph, one of Jacob's sons. My bible course explained the story of Joseph like this:

Jacob had 12 sons. Joseph was his eleventh son, born to Jacob in his old age. Jacob loved Joseph more than all his children. This caused the older brothers to hate Joseph. 

Once, when the older brothers were far away tending sheep, Jacob sent Joseph to see how they were. When the brothers saw Joseph coming, they conspired to kill him. One brother, Judah (my bible says Reuben), did not want Joseph to be killed. He persuaded the others to sell him as a slave to a caravan of traders going to Egypt. The brothers told their father that wild beasts had killed him.

Through no fault of his own, Joseph ended up as a slave in the house of Potiphar, a wealthy Egyptian man. But God was with Joseph. 

Potiphar's wife was a wicked woman who tried to seduce Joseph. When he fled from her presence, she was furious. She lied to her husband and told him that Joseph had tried to force her to have sex with him. Through no fault of his own, Joseph was sent to prison and put in chains. But God was with him. 

Sometime later, Pharaoh, king of Egypt, had a dream that troubled him. His wise men could not tell him the meaning of his dream. The chief butler told Pharaoh that Joseph could interpret his dream. Pharaoh immediately called for Joseph. 

God revealed the meaning of Pharaoh's dream to Joseph. He told Pharaoh that there would be seven years when the harvests of grain would be plentiful. Then there would be seven years of famine when they would have no crops. 

Joseph suggested to Pharaoh that he seek and find a wise man to put over the land of Egypt, to store the excess grain during the years of plenty, so that they would have food during the seven years of famine. Pharaoh chose Joseph to be that man. Pharaoh said to Joseph, "You shall be over my house, and according to your word shall all my people be ruled... I have set you over all the land of Egypt" (Genesis 41:40-41)

Later, during the years of famine, Joseph's brothers came to Egypt for food. Joseph knew who they were, but they did not recognize him. God used Joseph to bring his brothers to confess and repent of their sin. 

Joseph freely forgave his brothers and he sent royal wagons to bring his father, Jacob, and all his household to Egypt. There they were royally cared for by Joseph. 

Joseph was like Jesus Christ; he was rejected by his brothers, but stayed true to God and was rewarded.

When Jacob died, Joseph's brothers were worried and feared that Joseph would punish them for all that they did to him, so they fell before him and begged for forgiveness.

What they didn't realize though was that Joseph already forgave them. His brothers didn't know Joseph's heart and didn't know his love for them. Because of it, Joseph wept and comforted them, and assured them that he would continue to take care of them.

How amazing is that? Joseph's brothers went against him and sold him into slavery, and he still forgave them and took care of them.

Why are we so scared of God's love? Joseph's brothers feared Joseph, just like we fear God sometimes.

There's no need to fear anymore. We have a God that loves us no matter what, even when we mess up. We need to trust in God more when we do mess up that He will comfort us and forgive us. We should not be afraid of his love anymore.

Heavenly Father,
Please forgive us for not knowing your love the way you want us to. Well, we know you forgive us, so we should actually thank you for your forgiveness and comfort you provide for us. Lord, we fall behind and we mess up sometimes; you know that. We ask that you continue to guide us towards the right directions that you want us to be going. The narrow path to Heaven is a tough road to walk on, but we know during our journey it'll lead us towards you and the kingdom you have prepared for us. And when we trip and fall, we know you will heal us and keep us going. Thank you for Joseph and teaching us of your love and trust.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where Are You At In Your Relationship With God?

My name is Samantha Brown.

At home, I do my chores, do my homework (sometimes), play my guitar, and pretend that everything is all good.

At school, I cuss like a sailor, I hang out with people who are not the best influence for me. I cannot talk about my religion without being ridiculed or teased. I carry my Bible in my bag but cannot read it without being questioned.

Outside of school, I'm at church. I pretend to be this person in love with God when I'm really slipping farther away from him. I sing in the worship band; on stage I'm singing and everyone can see me, when I get off the stage, I'm the one sitting by myself and don't make an effort to talk to anyone.

In front of my boyfriend, I'm an ordinary "Christian", but do things I know isn't right. But I do them anyways. I don't like talking about religion in front of him bccause I know he doesn't believe anymore, so I keep my mouth shut.

Anywhere else, well it just depends on who I'm with...

Which one is the real me? I have no idea..

Youth group tonight was almost a "slap in the face", but why is it that I hear that I need to live for God and not anyone else over and over, and though I still continue my "normal" lifestyle that I know I'm ashamed of?

Last night at band practice, my worship leader asked me to pray, and I stopped in the middle. Although I wasn't all that embarrassed about it, I was more upset and wondering what happened to me that I couldn't finish a simple prayer. I've done prayers before; but something stopped me. I knew right then that I was simply slipping away from him more and more. My heart sank after that.

I have talked about change before, and I know I have not followed my own words. It's hard to change when you're used to living how you are now.

I don't want to live many personalities like I am today; I want one life. Change is tough, but it's worth it in the end. I have no idea what's gonna happen to me, but I'm ready to find out. I don't want to say that I'm sincerely going to change because I may fail again and again. But there's nothing wrong in trying.

Whoever is reading this, I want you to know that I am sorry for my wrongdoings. I am sorry that I am not who you want me to be. And I'm sorry that I have never been "me" all along. I'm sorry that I'm a fake, and I'm sorry that I am not perfect. But before I end this post, understand something. The only thing you should be living for is God. I sound like a hypocrite, only because I am. I have not been living for God with everything I am, just enough to pass by. But guess what? There's no such thing as passing by. It leads you nowhere. God should be your #1 priority. He should never be the back burner.

I'm not the best speaker ever, but take my word for it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Let's Bow Our Heads and Pray...

Friday was pretty intense, right?


The whole earthquake and tsunami in Japan was pretty intense the more I kept watching about it on the news. It's pretty devastating just how many lives are affected and all the lives of loved ones that will change forever.

Each time you say a prayer, pray for Japan. Pray for all those who lost a loved one in the earthquake and tsunami; pray for those who are still missing. Pray that the Japanese people will be able to overcome this. The power of prayer is so phenomenal, and the more prayers, the better.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who is God?

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrong. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres. Love never fails..."

-1 Corinthians 13:1-8

I was doing a bible course online and one of the questions asked me "Who is God"?

The first thing that popped up was this passage in 1 Corinthians. Chapter 13 is considered "The Love Chapter", because it is about love. What I realized though is if you replace the word 'love' with God, you get a whole different meaning.

So who is God?

Read the passage over again, and instead, replace 'love' with God. Once you read it, I think you'll start to understand. God is love.

SammyJane <3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Don't Talk About It, Just Do It

Proverbs 14:23 says:
"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."

What is something you always wanted to do in your life? What's something you want to accomplish?

In Proverbs, it tells us that "all hard work will bring a profit". If you have a job and work, you make money. If you are in school and do well, you will have good grades that will help you be successful in life. If you are learning an instrument or a skill, you have to practice in order to be better at it.

I think you get the point. The verse is pretty self-explanatory. Work hard, and you will be rewarded.

Proverbs also explains that "mere talk only leads to poverty". Sure, you can talk about doing something, but it's not going to do you any good if you don't do something to make it happen. You can say that you're going to get a job, or ace that math final, or practice the guitar for 30 minutes everyday. I will guarantee though: it will not happen on its own. No job = no money, no school = no career, no practice = no experience.

In order to get the things you want, you have to work for it. If you want to achieve something, you have to work for it. All the things you want in life are not gonna come just by sitting and waiting for it to magically appear. It doesn't work like that.

An example for me would be my page "Before I Graduate". If you haven't taken a look at that page, then take a look. Basically, it's a list of all the goals I want to achieve before I graduate high school. Some things have already been crossed off, but I know I still have a long ways to go on getting everything done. I can talk about it and write about it all I want on my blog or to other people, but I'm not gonna get anywhere unless I do something to make these things happen. The phrase "actions speak louder than words" completely applies to this verse in Proverbs.

What is a goal you want to achieve? What is one of your biggest dreams you want to be reality? Whatever it is, don't just talk about it, do it. God will bless you in the long run.

Heavenly Father,
We know that you have a plan for each of us, and we know that you want all of us to achieve our life goals and dreams. Please, Father, guide us and give us the wisdom we need to make whatever goals we have become reality, as well as to do them in your name and not fall under Satan's grasp.

SammyJane <3

Monday, February 21, 2011

Be Happy!

5 ways to be Happy Pictures, Images and Photos

Things that make me happy about today:
1. I know I am loved by Jesus. 
2. I get to spend the day with my sister today.
3. It's sunny with a few clouds outside. Perfect weather. 
4. I have no school today. 
5. Instead of going to school, I get to go to a college seminar with my sister. 
6. I am drinking a glass of Hawaiian Punch.
7. I'm excited for what God has in store for me.
8. My hair is cooperating with me today. 
9. Thomas made me smile this morning, and is still making me smile. 
10. God is just awesome. 

What are some things that make you happy? 

SammyJane <3

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Satan, It's On!!

Cross sunrise Pictures, Images and PhotosCan I just say that maybe, possibly... I am struggling with God right now?

Well, I can't really say that I am struggling with God, but with my relationship with God.

Yesterday was kinda a turning point for me in realizing my distance with God lately. I recently found a guy, who you can say is my boyfriend, and ever since, I was spending time with him and not with God. I haven't read the Bible, went to church once, and barely go to youth group. I'm behind on my bible courses, and I just don't feel as happy as I used to be than when I had this love and passion for God. I haven't prayed lately, asked for forgiveness for my sins, or really had a conversation with Jesus. Anyone can tell you; I'm a whole different person when I'm close to God. I will admit, I haven't been that person lately. I've been frustrated with people and life in general and I hate it. I know Satan is tempting me and he's winning a battle against my soul. Am I just gonna let him win and take over who I am? Of course not!

Satan is not gonna win this time like he has before. I let Satan get to me because he know I'm vulnerable and weak right now. Time for that to stop! I'm better than that. I want to be strong and have a great and wonderful relationship with Jesus. I want to have those conversations with Him through prayer and tell Him how much He is to me through music. I had my eye on a Christian university in California for when I graduate high school. I don't want to throw away everything I have worked for because of Satan. That's just what he wants.

My Bible is my shield and my faith is my armor. If Satan wants a fight, then a fight is what he's gonna get, and I will guarantee, he is not gonna win.

Satan, I'm waiting for you. Whatever you have for me, I'm ready to throw it back in your face.

SammyJane <3

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Friends Are Awesome!!

I wish I could be on my blog more.

These last few weeks have been pretty awesome!

My best friend Cora went to another school last year about an hour away from me, and although it's not that bad and we still get to see each other, we don't get to see each other everyday like we used to. I finally got to hang out with her more and talk to her more throughout the weeks and I'm so blessed to still have an great friend like her. She's always been there for me and I don't know what I would do without her.

Along with Cora, I also got to spend more time with my best friend Saadia. We both go to the same school but we didn't talk as much like we used to. I got to spend more time with her as well at school and we have such a fun time together, playing piano and busting out to Alicia Keys. LOL

I just thought I should share that with you all because I don't know why I get to spend more time with my 2 best friends since elementary school, and it's just amazing. I'm blessed to have my 2 best friends no matter what.

                                     Me on the left, Saadia in the middle, and Cora on the right. These are old pics.

                                             Prom during Freshman Year!

SammyJane <3

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Night in the Hospital and 23 Staples Later...

My sister Kimmy had realignment surgery on her knee yesterday. I asked in my last blog post that you all keep her in your prayers.

The power of prayer is phenomenal to me! Although she had to stay overnight last night, she came home today and I'm happy with how well she's doing already. She had a lot of support yesterday. So I wanna say, thank you very much! Everything seems to be turning out really well.

Yesterday I also tried something new.

My friend Josh and I were getting Taco Bell while Kimmy was in surgery, and he kept talking about deep fried oreos. At first I didn't think it was all that appealing; maybe it was because I never had them before. But we found a restaurant that served deep fried oreos and Josh ended up buying some through takeout. Turns out that they are really good! LOL! =D

See? I can be bold and try new things. =P

Well, all I ask is if you keep praying for my sister that her recovery will go by really fast. I wanted to make this post a little shorter to update on what's going on.


Monday, January 10, 2011


Can I admit that I haven't been having the best start for 2011?

The new year started out with confusion and frustration for me. As much as I like to keep things optimistic, I also keep in mind that sometimes optimists can have it's rainy days.

It's not that I wanted to start 2011 with a bad start. It's just the way it happened.

Thoughout the 10 days so far, I took on many challenges and made many decisions; one was to stop cheerleading. Let me be honest here; cheerleading was something I didn't really want to do as much. It was basically me trying something new in hopes that maybe I would actually enjoy it. But those things don't work out that way. It soon came to the point where I was bored with it. Why do something that is just a waste of my time and make me bored? With me, it doesn't work that well.

Along with making the decision of giving up cheerleading, there have also been the struggles with finding my true friends. This has definitely been something I have been working on for a few months and feel like I'm not quite getting anywhere. It's not that I don't have friends; it's the whole confusion of whether they really accept me for who I am.

Aside from that, my grades are good, my family is awesome, and God is leading me to a great future right now. I just got to focus on what's important right now and God will do the rest. I'm excited for what He has in store for me.

Oh, before I go, my sister Kimmy is going into surgery for her knee on Thursday. Please keep her in your prayers.

SammyJane <3