Saturday, July 31, 2010


Haha I just got my drivers license today!!!!!!

crash Pictures, Images and PhotosI'm officially legal to drive and I must say that it feels good to take on more responsibilites like driving a car.

But I also know that having some of those big responsibilities is a lot of hard work..

I know God is right by my side to guide me and make sure that I don't fall back on what I'm suppose to do, and that he will protect me from getting into any bad situation that can harm myself or another person while on the road. 

Before I took my test, I said a prayer to keep me safe while driving and keep everyone safe as they were also on the road. I made it, and I passed. 

God does have the power to do such amazing things, even when you don't realize it. =)

Please, EVERYONE!!! Be safe while driving anywhere. There are a lot of crazy drivers out there and it's not worth your life or someone else's life if you get in an accident or get distracted. Don't text, drink, or create distractions while driving. 

SammyJane <3 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Someday He'll Come..

                                Lovely Pictures, Images and Photos
Have you ever wondered what it's gonna be like when you're in love?
Honestly, I don't know if I've ever been in love in my life.

Sometimes we're gonna find someone we really like, and we're gonna think it's not some silly crush, but maybe love.

But in reality, who knows if it really is love. We try to define love but we can't, because everyone experiences it differently.

You may sometimes look in magazines and find articles that may tell you if it's really love or not. Are you seriously gonna consider whether you found your true love over an ARTICLE?? Who knows if that's even acurate!

The way to knowing if you found your true love and the one you wanna be with for the rest of your life is to listen to your heart. It's one of those things that nobody can tell you whether it is love or not, that a magazine article can't tell you. The only ones who know is your heart, and God, which is linked together.

I know that someday, God is gonna lead me and my future husband together. Until then, I just gotta keep praying for him, and he'll come around.

When you find someone you really like, don't get too attached so easily until you know that it's meant to be. Don't get into something serious too soon. Many people are making that mistake and it's leading to some terrible heartaches.

SammyJane <3

P.S - This post is not created to offend, insult, harrass, or embarrass anyone. This post is just to inform and speak my opinion. If you believe this is in any way offending, please contact me (nothing threatening) telling me what error I had made.
The reason I post this is because I have been on a few forums talking about this subject and I have received many hurtful replies back. I don't want the same for my blog. Thank you, and God Bless!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Who Knew A MOVIE Could Change My Whole Perspective!

Passion of the Christ Pictures, Images and PhotosSo, who remembers the 2004 Mel Gibson movie "Passion of the Christ" that caused so much controversy about it being too graphic?

This movie is probably the most powerful, graphic, gory, emotional, true movie ever made.

The "Passion Of The Christ" is almost close to 3 hours long, and it tells of how Jesus Christ was crucified and rose again based on what is told in the Bible. And I got a chance to watch it (for my second time) at youth group last night.

The first time I watched it was in 2004 when it came out, and when I watched it I didn't quite understand it. I was a little younger (forunately, I didn't get nightmares, nor was I really scared of the graphics. haha), and I didn't really know much about Jesus and about his life story. So it didn't really have a huge impact on me.

I watched it last night at my youth group, and it all started coming together. I have been a faithful Christian for a year and it was so powerful for me. All of the things I read in the New Testament about Jesus' life and crucifixion all just come together like a puzzle.

My experience was this: I watched the movie, not a tear or anything throughtout the whole movie, I just stared at the screen the whole time. My stomach got sick from the graphics, sometimes I would feel a slight pain running through my whole body. The rest of the time, my body was numb.
Right when the credits came on, the tears came out.. It took me a moment to just process what I just watched. It was one of those things that took me a long time to fully understand, and now I do.. Everywhere I looked, someone was crying, praying alone or in groups.. it was definitely a powerful night.

Jesus went through all of that pain and persecution for us! He DIED on that cross for us, for you and for me!

If you have not read my last blog entry "Are You Addicted To Jesus?", then please read it.

I want you to read it because Jesus did die for us on his crucifixion, what are you doing to be devoted to Him?

SammyJane <3

Are You Addicted To Jesus?

What does it mean to be addicted to Jesus Christ?

Thank you Jesus Christ or Jesus Cristo para nos otros que stan vivendo Pictures, Images and PhotosAccording to the Webster's Online Dictionary, the word "addict" is someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction.

An addiction is the state of being addicted; devotion; inclination.

Some people may have an addiction to many things, such as cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, pornography, video games; when we think about the word "addiction", we mostly think of it as a negative thing, right? It doesn't have to be a bad thing.

If we have an addiction to Jesus, then is that a bad thing? Of course not!

If you are addicted to Jesus, what does it really mean?
If you look at the definition of the word "addict" above, doesn't it mean to me "ardently devoted" to Jesus?

What are you doing to be devoted to Jesus? Most of us Christians would probably be going to church every Sunday, maybe a youth group on Wednesday (of whenever you have youth group), maybe joining a Bible study. Some may be involved with the church or volunteers to help others in need in the community.

Maybe you're not that involved with the church or the community, but treats everyone with respect and tries to be the best person you can be. You're faithful, honest, trustworthy, and an all-around good person.

Paul wrote in Phillipians 2:1-11:
"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort of his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition and vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitide should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross! Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Paul is telling us that we should be like Jesus; to be humble and show compassion, tenderness, and concern for others; to be selfless and love one another.

Think about the verses; what are you doing to be devotional to Christ?

This is not suppose to be a trick question, but something to think about.

Sammyjane <3

Monday, July 26, 2010

True Love Waits

On Sunday, July 25 of 2010, I received my purity ring.

True Love Waits Pictures, Images and Photos

In a world where sex is considered more "recreational" and not really taken seriously, I felt that the purity ring was a great idea. There were 7 of us girls that took the pledge, including my sister. It was a pledge, whether we already messed up or not, to remain pure from sexual temptations from here on out, and to save our bodies for our future husbands and for God.

We were explained at the ceremony that the ring doesn't hold any special power to help us remain pure, but as a reminder of our promise and pledge that we made, and that what we're doing is not for us, but for God.

Sometimes I wished I would have done this sooner, but in the end, it doesn't matter cause I made the promise during a great time in my life. The pledge made me excited for what's gonna happen in the future, with my music, my family, and when I find that one special person that would be my husband. God has soooo much in store for me, and for all 7 of us beautiful girls. It's up to us now, not only to keep our bodies pure, but our minds as well. We know it's gonna get tough as we live each day, but with Jesus on our side, it's not impossible.

I encourage everyone who has not made the pledge for purity to do so. Coming from me, it was one of the best decisions I will ever make, especially living in a sex-saturated society. Whether you made some mistakes or not, you can still start over.

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”  -Colossians 3:1-4

SammyJane <3

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Before I Die, I Wanna Burn Out Bright...

Does it have to start with a broken heart
Broken dreams and bleeding parts
We were young and the world was clear
Young ambition disappears
I swore it would never come to this
The average, the obvious
How I'm still discontented down here
I'm still discontented

If we've only got one try
If we've only got one life
If time was never on our side
Then before I die I want to burn out bright

So a spark ignites in time and space
Limping through this human race
You bite and claw your way back home
But you’re running the wrong way
The future is a question mark
Of kerosene and electric sparks
There’s still fire in you yet
Yeah there’s still fire in you

If we've only got one try
If we've only got one life
If time was never on our side
Then before I die I want to burn out bright


I keep cleaning up the mess I’ve made
I keep cleaning up the mess I've made
I won't run away
I can’t sleep in the bed I’ve made
I can't sleep in the bed I've made

If we've only got one try
If we've only got one life
If time was never on our side
Then before I die I want to burn out bright

Written and Performed by Switchfoot.

SammyJane <3

Friday, July 16, 2010


summer icon collage Pictures, Images and Photos                                                                    

                   Gotta Love The Summertime! <3

If You Could Go Back In Time, Would You?

Password? Pictures, Images and PhotosI remember when I was probably not even 10 years old yet, and several of my childhood friends were with me and my little sister in the woods while our dads were cutting firewood. It was the middle of winter, but it was one of those mild winters where we didn't have much snow (which is still weird living in Washington State). We went off and before we knew it, we were gathering big tree branches and sticks and stacked them, sort of like an indian teepee, using other big trees for support. And we continued to make what became a fairly small fort, using pine needles and small sticks as a roof and filling in the cracks of the walls. I must say, when we finished, we were pretty proud of it. We even had a group picture of all of us kids (it's somewhere in my house) inside the fort.

That is one childhood memory I will never forget.

Now, I think everyone has probably came across this question in a survey, or was just asked it randomly: If you could go back in time and change one thing from your childhood, what would you change?

Most of you will probably say yes.

Before you make your final answer, I want you to think of where your life is at right now, whether it's good or bad.
Now think about a childhood memory that you wish you could go back and change; If you could go back to that time, what would you do to change it?
Now, imagine what you're life would be like if that change was made. Think about the good your life would be, as well as the bad. What would happen to your boyfriend or girlfriend? Your parents? Your brothers or sisters? Where would you be at? What would your household be like?

If you have seen the Christmas movie "It's A Wonderful Life", George wishes he was never born (of course this is a different example). With the help of Clarence, his guardian angel, he actually got to see what his life would be without him, and he wishes he was back with his family, and realizes that his life is truely great, even when things get bad. When he finally returns to his old life, he began to appreciate his life more and what's in store for him and his family in the future.

It says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

The old is gone, and the new is coming... there is no way of changing the past.

Back to the question.

Think about it, where would you be at if you decided to change one part of your childhood? You probably won't like it, huh?

We're all gonna go through some tough times in our lives. But know this: those little moments you wish you could change, it makes you the person you are today.

And what about those moments you don't wanna change? Change one memory, and everything else will change.
I know I never wanna forget or change the tree fort memory. It's one of those I'll remember for the rest of my life. Why would I wanna change anything else about my life? Especially when those moments are over?

The old is gone and the new is coming: Let's embrace it and make it the best we can make it.

SammyJane <3

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Everything's Gonna Be Ok

So I thought you all would like this video. It was made by Brittani Louise Taylor on YouTube. This video is definitely inspirational. <3




  Smiley Face Pictures, Images and Photos 

Smile... It makes people wonder what you're up to.

Are You Feeling Blue?

christian Pictures, Images and Photos

Here's a question: Have you ever had one of those days when you did something completely stupid?

I'm sure everyone has. (if not, think again..)

Another question: Have you ever spent hours, or days, or even months thinking about that stupid thing you did? Thinking about what you could've done in the past, or beating yourself (not literally) about it and it makes you feel pretty down?

Being a teenager in modern society we live in today, I can definitely understand how that feels. I've been through my ups and downs in life.

Sometimes we do spend a lot of time thinking about that dumb mistake that should've never happened. But what can we do about it? We can't just go back in time in some time machine and fix it, or prevent it from happening. Because really; Stick to reality, that's impossible. Once it's over, it's over; you can't turn back.

But what can we do to move on?

During your lifetime (including mine), we are all gonna make mistakes. There is no way to prevent that; it is our human nature to make mistakes and learn from them. What would we be like if there were no mistakes made? We wouldn't learn anything... we would be living our lives the same exact way, every single day.. is that what we want? To live like robots our lives? I sure wouldn't!

A lot of people that I knew (and reading on the Internet), would say, "Why would God cause me to be so sad?" or "If God was real, he wouldn't let me be this depressed."

Now, if I remember right, God doesn't want us to be sad or depressed, but to live happily on this place He created for us. God would never cause us to be sad, depressed, or pessimistic in any way. So really, isn't it your own actions that cause you to be feeling down?

In Matthew 5:12, it says "Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

So back to the question, What can we do to move on?

Whenever you contemplate on whatever is bothering you, remember this: God wants you to be happy and live joyously; why be so depressed? Whatever it is, it's all in the past, and every minute that you're worrying about it is one minute that you're losing to make your life better. You can't change the past, so take what you learned from it and use it as a tool to make your life, and maybe someone else's life, better.

God has so much in store for you and me. Continue to pray and follow God, and he will bring greatness into your life.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

10 Great Things About Life We Don't Usually Think About

I wrote this several months ago and it's been posted on ReliJournal. And I was looking at it again and decided to share it with you.

10 Great Things About Life We Don't Usually Think About:

1. My family loves me and supports me on everything.

2. My friends accept me and take me for who I am.

3. The new year gives me a jump start to change my old habits; to break the bad ones and create new ones.

4. I tend to make mistakes, but I learn from them as I live my life.

5. I’m comfortable with my body. Everyone has their flaws, and that is what makes us each unique.

6. We are all different; if we were all the same, we would be robots.

7. There is no one in this world that is better than others. The only one that is better than all is Jesus Christ.

8. God gave us life to make it the way we wanna live it.

9. It’s never too late to come to the Lord.

10. I love my life, even when I have my horrible days. Each day brings a whole new adventure.

Click Here to read the whole article.
God Bless!

The Best Of Me

Everything is just the way I want it to
Everything is just the way it needed to
And every day you're by my side, day and night
I know you're always there, you'll never let me go

You have really blessed me
So openheartidly

And tomorrow's gonna be a brand new day
Not gonna worry, gonna live it my own way
As it all goes by, I know I can rely
On you, you are everything to me
And tomorrow's gonna be a brand new day
Not gonna worry, gonna live it my own way
As it all goes by, I know you're by my side
You make the best of me

I never thought it'd be this way, but I got it
They say dreams will come true, if I want it
And everyday you're by my side, day and night
I know you're always there, you'll never let me go

You have really blessed me
So openheartidly

And tomorrow's gonna be a brand new day
Not gonna worry, gonna live it my own way
As it all goes by, I know I can rely
On you, you are everything to me
And tomorrow's gonna be a brand new day
Not gonna worry, gonna live it my own way
As it all goes by, I know you're by my side
You make the best of me

You have really blessed me
So openheartidly
You have really blessed me
So openheartidly

And tomorrow's gonna be a brand new day
Not gonna worry, gonna live it my own way
As it all goes by, I know I can rely
On you, you are everything to me
And tomorrow's gonna be a brand new day
Not gonna worry, gonna live it my own way
As it all goes by, I know you're by my side
You make the best of me

Written my SammyJane. <3
God Bless!

Lead Me To The Cross..

Definitely a wonderful song by Hillsong United (Brooke Fraser). This is one of my favorites. =) Enjoy


Hello, and welcome to my blog.

I wanna kinda explain the point of this blog.

I write, a lot, and I have a lot of things running through my head that I wish I can share. I wrote a few blogs before but I didn't make it for what I wanted. So yes, I have some blogging experiences. \

But this blog is for ME. For me to express what I am feeling and share it with you. To say what I want to say and be as completely random as I want.

My goal for this blog is for you, the reader and visitor, to come to this blog when you just need something random to read, or need some inspiration.

As for now, thank you for visiting, and there will be plenty more to come.

Peace.Love.Happiness.Smiles =)