Friday, August 12, 2011

New Life Northwest 2011

"But what was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of know Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith."
Philippians 3:7-9

During this week, I got to go to a camp called New Life Northwest in Washougal, WA with the amazing youth group I attend. 


What's so amazing about this week was that I experienced something completely different in my relationship with Christ; something I have never been able to feel before and was waiting on experiencing it for the first time. 

I felt God's love for the first time.

Now, some of you reading this may be a little bit confused, so let me explain some things. 
Before I came to New Life, I had doubts on whether Jesus Christ really did love me. With the past events that happened in my life and some stress about the future running through my head, I was doubting God's grace and love for a little while. I would say that I love Jesus, but I said it and never really meant it. 
For some who know who Bob Witte is, I have to say that this awesome guy played a HUGE impact on my transformation. I never heard him speak at a rally or a camp before, so I was really excited, and I soaked up what he had to say. 
You know how God uses other people to get a point across? God used Bob Witte. If you ever get a chance to hear Bob Witte speak, you are in for a treat. ;)
Not only did Bob Witte inspire me, but everyone there inspired me as well. The youth, the adults, everyone! I have thought I would get so close to most of the people, and get to know their stories and know them as people. I watch them get baptized this week. And I may end up seeing more of those people get baptized as well later in the future. 

I was also challenged this week. There was the emotional part every night of surrendering and letting go of all of my "baggage" in order to fully let Christ into my heart. And there was a physical struggle after I was re-baptized. 
Yes, I was re-baptized on Thursday, August 11, 2011 at a beautiful waterfall near Washougal. The only problem was the water being so cold I went into an anxiety attack. BUT... I have no regrets; I don't feel it was a "mess-up" baptism. I'm so glad I did it, and I'm glad I remember the actual baptism part. I overcame and I'm getting well after what happened. And I had the help of God, and some amazing Christians to help me back to camp. I don't know exactly who all was there to help me, but THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! 

I am so inspired. I had a lot on my mind before I went to New Life, and I did come home with a new life. 

I put down the passage in Philippians because hours before I got baptized, I read it, and I wrote in my journal about it, and I would like to share it with you all. 

"Everything that I thought was more important doesn't even matter. It never mattered. What I was considering was more important than Jesus is actually utter nonsense. What I was doing instead of worshiping and praising the Lord is not going to help my relationship with God. 
This is my surrender to Christ Jesus. I surrender all of my worldly ways to be with Christ. I am not perfect, and I will fail Him sometimes, but He loves me and I love Him. This love is in no way perfect, but that doesn't mean that we can't have and experience it. Jesus is giving us that love and grace when we do not deserve it."

I will probably share more of my experiences as I continue to post more on my blog, but I wanted to share it with you. I wanted to share my life-changing experience. I wanted to share what was happening to me, and what God is doing in my life. And you don't even need to go to a camp to experience that. 

Philippians 3:7-9 is my surrender to Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. What about you?

SammyJane <3


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Taking Advantage of Being Home

This week, I have been taking advantage of staying home before I go to camp on Sunday. I left one day to go to youth group (I needed more info on the camp), and then it was straight home again. But I will say that staying at home isn't so bad right now. I like to consider this a "fast" from traveling to many places; I will admit, I'm saving a lot of money this week.

So, I've been knitting like crazy! Trying to get some projects done before my Spokane's Got Talent audition, and before school starts. I won't have any time to do any knitting during camp, so I gotta get as much done before I leave on Sunday. And I have been kicking butt at getting them done.

Oh boy, Spokane's Got Talent is around the corner again. And no idea on what song to even play!!! Yeah, I have been stressing out on it, and I've been also trying to come up with an idea when I'm not knitting, and still nothing. It's kinda driving me up the wall and I don't wanna put it off until last minute. This is my last year auditioning before I go off to college next summer. It would be awesome to get into the top 16 this year, but only God will decide that. And even if I don't get into the top 16, I'll still have other opportunities to play my music.

Blogger Mobile: WHO HAS ANY IDEA ON HOW TO EVEN ACTIVATE IT???????? I have been trying for months to get it to work through text/mms messaging and it's not working for me at all!

I just found out today that I only have 3 weeks until school starts. And, well, I'm not too excited about it. Yeah, I'm gonna be a SENIOR this year, but I'm just ready to graduate. People have told me that senior year is gonna be your best year, but who knows. I wish I was as excited as most people to be a senior, but in all reality for me, I wanna go to college. But, I do only have 180 school days left. I guess that's pretty exciting in a way.

It just seems weird that I only have this school year and then this next summer, I'm getting ready to leave for college, in possibly San Diego! It's a pretty scary thought, but I'm excited! I'm really excited to start college and work my way towards being a music/youth minister! It seems so far away but it's really not!

Yeah, there's quite a bit going on in my life. More than what I thought.

SammyJane <3