Have you ever wondered what it's gonna be like when you're in love?
Honestly, I don't know if I've ever been in love in my life.
Sometimes we're gonna find someone we really like, and we're gonna think it's not some silly crush, but maybe love.
But in reality, who knows if it really is love. We try to define love but we can't, because everyone experiences it differently.
You may sometimes look in magazines and find articles that may tell you if it's really love or not. Are you seriously gonna consider whether you found your true love over an ARTICLE?? Who knows if that's even acurate!
The way to knowing if you found your true love and the one you wanna be with for the rest of your life is to listen to your heart. It's one of those things that nobody can tell you whether it is love or not, that a magazine article can't tell you. The only ones who know is your heart, and God, which is linked together.
I know that someday, God is gonna lead me and my future husband together. Until then, I just gotta keep praying for him, and he'll come around.
When you find someone you really like, don't get too attached so easily until you know that it's meant to be. Don't get into something serious too soon. Many people are making that mistake and it's leading to some terrible heartaches.
SammyJane <3
P.S - This post is not created to offend, insult, harrass, or embarrass anyone. This post is just to inform and speak my opinion. If you believe this is in any way offending, please contact me (nothing threatening) telling me what error I had made.
The reason I post this is because I have been on a few forums talking about this subject and I have received many hurtful replies back. I don't want the same for my blog. Thank you, and God Bless!
I remember high school. The only thing I can say is that I wasted a lot of energy on worrying if I would have a really great husband. I trusted God...most of the time in the department of love, but it was a struggle during high school and college, especially for me as all I wanted to do was be a wife and mother. It seemed all the guys I liked would date my friends :) and as I look back at high school I don't think I was every in love, mostly infatuated. But that's just me.
ReplyDeleteI am 33 now and still in awe at how God has blessed me. I am so very thankful for my husband and even more ironic, I went to high school with him and would have never thought he is someone I would marry or even date for that matter. He was 2 years above me in school and seemed to have plenty of friends...in other words, I didn't think he would give me the time of day! Honestly, I really didn't notice him much either. :-)
When I look at old yearbooks it makes me laugh to think that I was walking the halls and seeing my future husband and father of our (so far) 4 boys!
One thing my mom taught me was when I turned 13 she asked me to start praying for my future husband. I did. :)