Well, I can't really say that I am struggling with God, but with my relationship with God.
Yesterday was kinda a turning point for me in realizing my distance with God lately. I recently found a guy, who you can say is my boyfriend, and ever since, I was spending time with him and not with God. I haven't read the Bible, went to church once, and barely go to youth group. I'm behind on my bible courses, and I just don't feel as happy as I used to be than when I had this love and passion for God. I haven't prayed lately, asked for forgiveness for my sins, or really had a conversation with Jesus. Anyone can tell you; I'm a whole different person when I'm close to God. I will admit, I haven't been that person lately. I've been frustrated with people and life in general and I hate it. I know Satan is tempting me and he's winning a battle against my soul. Am I just gonna let him win and take over who I am? Of course not!
Satan is not gonna win this time like he has before. I let Satan get to me because he know I'm vulnerable and weak right now. Time for that to stop! I'm better than that. I want to be strong and have a great and wonderful relationship with Jesus. I want to have those conversations with Him through prayer and tell Him how much He is to me through music. I had my eye on a Christian university in California for when I graduate high school. I don't want to throw away everything I have worked for because of Satan. That's just what he wants.
My Bible is my shield and my faith is my armor. If Satan wants a fight, then a fight is what he's gonna get, and I will guarantee, he is not gonna win.
Satan, I'm waiting for you. Whatever you have for me, I'm ready to throw it back in your face.
SammyJane <3
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