Sunday, November 14, 2010


Before you all freak out, I should let you know that I made some changes to my blog.
The address/URL, name, and everything is still the same, but, as you can see, I changed the background and layout a bit.

Here's what was happening:
The background (remember how it was pink?) was really annoying me because I want ANYONE to be able to come to my blog and read it. But, of course, a guy is not gonna be very interested if my background is pink. So I changed it to a blue sky. I like the look of a blue sky with a bit of clouds in it. So yeah... there's the new background. Lol.
The layout was starting to annoy me because the home page was so long with all my posts and how long they are, so I was able to fix that so the page isn't so big. It's also because my computer (and my ipod touch) is really slow when loading my actual blog, so limiting the number of pages I had at a time helped a lot.

I also added some Reactions for each post. So if you liked my posts, thought they were boring, I wanna know what you think. So if you happen to read one of my posts, click on a reaction so I know what I can do to make my blog better.
Also, on the top right side, I added a list of different blogs I am following, and it would be awesome if you checked them out and give those people some love. They are great bloggers!

And I think that's it....


  1. I have to say, your new background is quite soothing to the eyes. I love it!

    I try to change mine with each season, just for fun, and sometimes I end up spending an absurd amount of time and asking my husband every few minutes "what do you think of this?" Thankfully, he's a patient man! ;-)

  2. I was trying to do that as well, like I was trying to find snowflakes or something to that nature because we have been getting TONS of snow here in Washington State. Unfortunately, I have not found anything, but I really liked the clouds. So I stuck with it. =)
