Exodus 23:1 (MSG)
"Dont pass on malicious gossip. Don't link up with a wicked person and give corrupt testimony."
Everyday, I go to school and hear some sort of gossip, and going to school where there's about 200 people in the entire high school, gossip goes around like wildfire.
No matter where you live or go to school at, you're always exposed to some sort of gossip, even on the television. You think it's not gossip when we watch TMZ or The Insider and we hear a rumor about celebrities? It's still gossip being spread.
I know we all spread rumors when we hear them, whether you mean to or not. I know I do it from time to time.
Here's the thing though: God does not like gossip. With gossip, you're getting information from a different and unreliable source. Someone may actually stretch the truth and make it seem far from what happened or what it really is. It's hurtful for that person who the rumor is about, but also causes confusion.
Proverbs 18:8 (MSG)
"Listening to gossip is like eating cheap candy; do you really want junk like that in your belly?"
Do you really want to be exposed to malicious gossip? Well, of course we don't.
With the world the way it is right now, we're always exposed to gossip in one way or another. What do you do about it? You can't stop gossiping from happening, but you can always do this:
-If someone is gossiping, let them know (nicely, of course) that it isn't really polite to be talking about others like that, and ask them to stop.
-Ignore the gossip. If you ignore it, you can't spread it.
-Go talk to that person who the gossip is about. You'll get the best results going to the source, and they'll know what is going around.
Ephesians 5:4 (MSG)
"Though some tongues just love the taste of gossip, those who follow Jesus have better use for language like that. Don't talk dirty or silly. That kind of talk doesn't fit our style. Thanksgiving is our dialect."
God wants us to love each other, and to spread that love towards one another. If we spread gossip instead of love, then are we really doing what God wants? Let's not spread hate.
Heavenly Father,
We know you do not like gossip, and how hurtful and malicious it is. I ask that you forgive us, for all who have spread or even started gossip recently, and that we have the wisdom to think before we say, so that it is not hurtful for anyone, or even ourselves.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Before you all freak out, I should let you know that I made some changes to my blog.
The address/URL, name, and everything is still the same, but, as you can see, I changed the background and layout a bit.
Here's what was happening:
The background (remember how it was pink?) was really annoying me because I want ANYONE to be able to come to my blog and read it. But, of course, a guy is not gonna be very interested if my background is pink. So I changed it to a blue sky. I like the look of a blue sky with a bit of clouds in it. So yeah... there's the new background. Lol.
The layout was starting to annoy me because the home page was so long with all my posts and how long they are, so I was able to fix that so the page isn't so big. It's also because my computer (and my ipod touch) is really slow when loading my actual blog, so limiting the number of pages I had at a time helped a lot.
I also added some Reactions for each post. So if you liked my posts, thought they were boring, I wanna know what you think. So if you happen to read one of my posts, click on a reaction so I know what I can do to make my blog better.
Also, on the top right side, I added a list of different blogs I am following, and it would be awesome if you checked them out and give those people some love. They are great bloggers!
And I think that's it....
The address/URL, name, and everything is still the same, but, as you can see, I changed the background and layout a bit.
Here's what was happening:
The background (remember how it was pink?) was really annoying me because I want ANYONE to be able to come to my blog and read it. But, of course, a guy is not gonna be very interested if my background is pink. So I changed it to a blue sky. I like the look of a blue sky with a bit of clouds in it. So yeah... there's the new background. Lol.
The layout was starting to annoy me because the home page was so long with all my posts and how long they are, so I was able to fix that so the page isn't so big. It's also because my computer (and my ipod touch) is really slow when loading my actual blog, so limiting the number of pages I had at a time helped a lot.
I also added some Reactions for each post. So if you liked my posts, thought they were boring, I wanna know what you think. So if you happen to read one of my posts, click on a reaction so I know what I can do to make my blog better.
Also, on the top right side, I added a list of different blogs I am following, and it would be awesome if you checked them out and give those people some love. They are great bloggers!
And I think that's it....
Saturday, November 13, 2010
God Loves How We Look

1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
I personally love this verse so much. The reason I love it is because when I feel like I'm not pretty enough or need to change something to make myself look more attractive, I can come back to this verse and remember that God loves me for who I am, and not what I look like.
Usually I would ask a couple questions to think about. Today, I wanna ask and have you really think about these questions:
1. Have you ever (in your lifetime or recently) looked in a mirror and felt disgusted with how you look?
2. Have you ever wished you could change something about your physical appearance?
3. Do you take criticism seriously when it comes to how you look?
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, can relate and say yes to all of these questions. Even I am guilty of it. You may feel like you need to lose a lot of weight, or you have horrible acne. People might've made fun of the clothes you wear, or a new hair color you're trying out. No matter what it is, we all know that it hurts when you receive those nasty comments.
Here's some good news: God loves you, no matter what you look like. God created us all differently; we all have flaws. Why are we making a huge deal of our appearance when we should be focusing on living for God?
James 1:23 (NIV)
"Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror."
If you are someone who focuses more on your appearance other than following God, then I encourage you think about what is more important in your life. God honestly does not care about what you look like, for it's your personality and where your heart is that matters more.
Isaiah 11:3 (MSG)
"Fear-of-God will be all his joy and delight. He won't judge by appearances, won't decide on the basis of hearsay."
1 Peter 3:3-4 (MSG)
"What matters is not your outer appearance - the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes - but your inner disposition. Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in."
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for making us all unique. I thank you for all our flaws that make us all different from everyone else. Lord, I know we sometimes get so caught up in the trends and how we have to look, but we know that you love us no matter what, and no one can tell us otherwise. Lord, please show the ones who are stuck on outward appearance that there is more to life than worrying about that, and lead them closer to you.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Are We Being Good Examples For God?
In Job 36:24, it says:
"Remember to extol his work, which people have praised in song."
I remember when I didn't read my Bible as much as I should have. Throughout my life, there was a Bible in our house where I could've read it at anytime, but I chose not to because it seemed like too much reading for me.
But now I pick up my Bible everyday. And each time, I thank God for this wonderful book that was written to teach us, guide us, and lead us towards God.
Unfortunately, many people (including Christians), do not pick up and read the Bible anymore.
Sometimes, instead of reading the Bible, they study other Christians around them to get to know God's Word, kind of like a 'walking Bible'.
If someone is using us as an example of how we should be living for God, what are we doing now to show our devotion for God? Are we really living how God wants us and has planned for us?
We are being judged every single day of our lives. If we're judged as faithful Christians, what are some things we should be doing to show that? Sure, we believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead, but how do others know the love and greatness of Christ? Even Paul said in Philippians that "your attitude should be the same of that of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 2:5).
Just like in a book where you may see recommendations for different authors and books to read, we are recommendations on how we should be living for God. We need to be the best examples we can be.
How are you living for God? What are some things you can change about your life to be a better follower of Christ?
"Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires."
Romans 8:5
Heavenly Father,
I pray for those who do not know you or do not know you well. I pray, Lord, that we can use your Word to bring these people closer to you, and for those who do know you to be good examples on how we should, and need, to be living for you. Let us be recommendations for you. Lord, I pray for forgiveness of our sins and that we continue to live for you and you only.
"Remember to extol his work, which people have praised in song."
I remember when I didn't read my Bible as much as I should have. Throughout my life, there was a Bible in our house where I could've read it at anytime, but I chose not to because it seemed like too much reading for me.
But now I pick up my Bible everyday. And each time, I thank God for this wonderful book that was written to teach us, guide us, and lead us towards God.
Unfortunately, many people (including Christians), do not pick up and read the Bible anymore.
Sometimes, instead of reading the Bible, they study other Christians around them to get to know God's Word, kind of like a 'walking Bible'.
If someone is using us as an example of how we should be living for God, what are we doing now to show our devotion for God? Are we really living how God wants us and has planned for us?
We are being judged every single day of our lives. If we're judged as faithful Christians, what are some things we should be doing to show that? Sure, we believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead, but how do others know the love and greatness of Christ? Even Paul said in Philippians that "your attitude should be the same of that of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 2:5).
Just like in a book where you may see recommendations for different authors and books to read, we are recommendations on how we should be living for God. We need to be the best examples we can be.
How are you living for God? What are some things you can change about your life to be a better follower of Christ?
"Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires."
Romans 8:5
Heavenly Father,
I pray for those who do not know you or do not know you well. I pray, Lord, that we can use your Word to bring these people closer to you, and for those who do know you to be good examples on how we should, and need, to be living for you. Let us be recommendations for you. Lord, I pray for forgiveness of our sins and that we continue to live for you and you only.
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