My name is Samantha Brown.
At home, I do my chores, do my homework (sometimes), play my guitar, and pretend that everything is all good.
At school, I cuss like a sailor, I hang out with people who are not the best influence for me. I cannot talk about my religion without being ridiculed or teased. I carry my Bible in my bag but cannot read it without being questioned.
Outside of school, I'm at church. I pretend to be this person in love with God when I'm really slipping farther away from him. I sing in the worship band; on stage I'm singing and everyone can see me, when I get off the stage, I'm the one sitting by myself and don't make an effort to talk to anyone.
In front of my boyfriend, I'm an ordinary "Christian", but do things I know isn't right. But I do them anyways. I don't like talking about religion in front of him bccause I know he doesn't believe anymore, so I keep my mouth shut.
Anywhere else, well it just depends on who I'm with...
Which one is the real me? I have no idea..
Youth group tonight was almost a "slap in the face", but why is it that I hear that I need to live for God and not anyone else over and over, and though I still continue my "normal" lifestyle that I know I'm ashamed of?
Last night at band practice, my worship leader asked me to pray, and I stopped in the middle. Although I wasn't all that embarrassed about it, I was more upset and wondering what happened to me that I couldn't finish a simple prayer. I've done prayers before; but something stopped me. I knew right then that I was simply slipping away from him more and more. My heart sank after that.
I have talked about change before, and I know I have not followed my own words. It's hard to change when you're used to living how you are now.
I don't want to live many personalities like I am today; I want one life. Change is tough, but it's worth it in the end. I have no idea what's gonna happen to me, but I'm ready to find out. I don't want to say that I'm sincerely going to change because I may fail again and again. But there's nothing wrong in trying.
Whoever is reading this, I want you to know that I am sorry for my wrongdoings. I am sorry that I am not who you want me to be. And I'm sorry that I have never been "me" all along. I'm sorry that I'm a fake, and I'm sorry that I am not perfect. But before I end this post, understand something. The only thing you should be living for is God. I sound like a hypocrite, only because I am. I have not been living for God with everything I am, just enough to pass by. But guess what? There's no such thing as passing by. It leads you nowhere. God should be your #1 priority. He should never be the back burner.
I'm not the best speaker ever, but take my word for it.